Swim Camp - Fishing in a Small Boat - Out 10/29

"Melt" Now Streaming

So excited to finally share that we will be releasing Swim Camp's new LP, Fishing in a Small Boat this October! You can listen to the first single from the record, "Melt", now wherever you get your music.

Molded by Philadelphia’s thriving DIY community, Fishing in a Small Boat is a call to introspection. It's a testament to Morris’ journey and musical process. Written over the course of two years, it offers a delicate investigation of the fault lines of personal relationships.

TLDR: Listen to "Melt" now, or else....
FFO: Alex G, LVL UP, Spirit of the Beehive


Suntitle - ‘In a Dream’ out 11/12


You, Me, and Everyone We Know Release "The World is Ugly"